Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) has organised a two-day capacity-building training for journalists in Benue State, urging them to tailor their reports towards promoting peaceful and non-violent elections.
The training, organized with the support of the European Union Support for Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU EDGN), exposed media practitioners in the state to the rudiments of media coverage of the electoral process.
CAPPA’s Executive Director, Akinbode Oluwafemi, while welcoming the participants, noted that the media has a crucial role to play in fostering peace during the pre and post-election periods as a critical stakeholder.
Oluwafemi, whose message and paper presentation was delivered by CAPPA’s Policy and Research Manager, Zikora Ibeh, harped on the need to build journalists’ capacity to promote non-biased reporting and become conversant with the nation’s electoral process.
The Executive Director, in his paper on “Expanding Nigeria’s Democracy and Civic Space: Journalists as Drivers for Sustainable Democracy,” maintained that journalists can effectively use their pen to shape the country’s economic situation and hold the government accountable to the people.
He acknowledged the role and contribution of the media towards Nigeria’s independence and entrenchment of the present democracy, adding that journalists remain critical stakeholders of the country’s electoral process.
Associate Professor of Journalism at the Lagos State University, Dr. Tunde Akanni, who spoke on ‘Conflict sensitive journalism: election and post-election roles of the media,’ painted a vivid picture of Nigeria’s historical struggles with conflicts illustrating the necessity for interventions by both non-governmental and international organisations as well as the media in fostering peace and security.

Prof. Akanni, therefore, called on media practitioners to be factual. accurate and always generate reports that could promote peace devoid of sensationalism.
Ms. Blessing Oladunjoye, Publisher, BONews Service in her session titled ‘Inclusive Election Reporting: Understanding the Elections and Disability Act’, highlighted the provisions of the Disability Act and how journalists need to shape their reports to enhance the smooth participation of Persons with Disabilities in the electoral process.
Ms Oladunjoye, who stressed the importance of using the right language in reporting disability issues during elections, charged journalists to ensure a positive portrayal of PWDs in media reports.
Oladunjoye said “inclusive election reporting is crucial for a fair and democratic process. Journalists should play a key role in ensuring that the voices of marginalized groups; women, youths and PWDs are heard and respected.

She also charged the journalists to “commit to inclusive practices in election reporting and supporting initiatives that promote the rights of marginalized groups in the electoral process, bearing in mind that elections are not limited to the polls.”
Shade Oyelade, Policy and Legal Drafting Officer, CAPPA assisted journalists in understanding the laws governing their work and election reportage through her presentation titled: ‘The Electoral Law and Provisions for the Media’.
Abayomi Sarumi, Programme & Digital Campaign Manager, CAPPA, in his session titled “Fact-checking and the digital media trends”, emphasised, among others, the need for journalists to fact-check information before publishing.