Rape is now a daily occurrence that is devastating;
to the victim, to the rapist, and to the society.
To the victim, she is left in pain that lingers on for long
Her self-esteem has been affected as she walks with her head buried each time she is on the street.
Some are left traumatized and live the rest of their lives in stigmatization or could lead them to commit suicide.
To the rapist, he is not left out of the destruction he brought upon her because when he is finally exposed,
he brings shame upon himself, his family and the worst punishment is
given to him,
then what’s the gain of
a rapist that can’t also live a normal life in an ideal society.
Our society is now so rotten to the extent that a father rapes his daughter,
What a pity!
Children are left wandering about the street because they were born from unwanted pregnancies by girls
and women who were not ready to
become a mother and these children
grow up to become a menace in society.
Parents should teach their son’s
right moral values and to respect women
Our society should shun the production of movies, songs, and programs that
promote sexual violence.
We say no to rape for it is against our religion, humanity and it destroys
the life of the victim, the rapist, and leaves tears on everyone’s face.
Let us all embrace the teachings of our religion and rise to say no
to rape; it starts with you and I.
Written by Waseelah Ogido and
Kelu Hussein from Young Leaders Forum