Fact-Check: Is climate change a hoax by governments worldwide?
CLAIM: A verified Twitter account user, Emmy has made a claim on the microblogging site that climate change is the...
CLAIM: A verified Twitter account user, Emmy has made a claim on the microblogging site that climate change is the...
CLAIM: A Tweep with a verified account, Alex Epstein on April 12 in a Twitter post, quoted Dennis Prager to...
CLAIM: A Facebook user, Larry Huggins has made a claim (archived) on the social media platform that climate change was...
One, two, three……nine, ten, or more car accidents in a week were beyond the ordinary. Remarks from other drivers and...
A tweep, @sandydal2 shared a post, where he made a series of claims, relating to climate change. The Twitter user...
CLAIM: A Twitter user, Janebond on April 2 posted a claim on the microblogging site that carbon emissions are not...
CLAIM: Australian Senator, Malcolm Roberts in a video shared on Twitter claims that carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is...
Video on climate change skepticism is old and claims that climate change is not happening: FALSE CLAIM: A video...
CLAIM: The Wide Awake Media, an online Television, claimed on its verified Twitter handle that solar activity is the cause...
Dr Patrick Moore, a Canadian ecologist in a video interview shared by Citizens Free Press on Twitter refuted a claim...
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